Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What I Need in a Counselor

One of the ways I sought recovery was to go to counseling. Whether I am going to group or individual counseling, over the years I’ve learned a few things about what I need from counseling in order to get the most from the experience.

I need to stand up for myself, establish my needs, and set my goals
    Because I am the client

I need a counselor who doesn’t tell me what I should do
    Because that’s called being controlling

I need a counselor who will listen to me and ask questions so I can come to my own answers
    Because what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for someone else

I need a counselor who understands the value of what they are doing and will get help for themselves when they need it
    Because a counselor who never gets counseling, is like a dentist who never goes to the dentist

I need to move-on, to a new counselor or something else, once I feel I have gotten everything I can from the sessions

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