Sunday, October 28, 2007

Life Changes part 1

It has been quite some time since I have written a blog entry. Since July my life has gone through many changes, so many changes I'm going to write about them in three installments.

At the time of my last few blogs I was working as a bagger at a grocery store within walking distance from my house. I considered it a temporary yet convenient way to get paid while I looked for a better job. My schedule was erratic, having no continuity from week to week or even day to day.

Then in August they offered me a position with a steadier schedule, requiring organization skills, and times when I would be working alone. It sounded so much better than the bagger position, so with a few reservations I took the job. I became General Merchandiser of the Health and Beauty aisle-ie: Night Stocker. My workday started at 2am and ended anywhere between 8am and 11am.

After work I would eat "lunch" while most people were just getting to breakfast. Then I would hop into bed for a 5hr "nap." Around that time my husband would get home from work. We would spend time together, usually making dinner. Then it was time to go back to bed for another 3hrs so I could go back to work at 2.

The job worked well for working my volunteer jobs. If I needed to volunteer I just sacraficed some sleep or planned my day a little differently.

But from the beginning something was wrong. The obvious problems were the shitty pay, and the unhappiness of co-workers, managers, and customers. But the biggest problem was my lack of "Me" time. I felt like I was doing two things with my life; I was sleeping my days away and working my nights away. With all the sleeping and working where was I going to find time for myself? I was just trying to figure that out when another change in my life happened.

The rest of the story coming soon...

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